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    What are the benefits of using Tradeshift Network?

    315 0 Created on 2018-10-09 11:58:08; Last updated on 2023-11-21 11:42:42

    We are confident that you will experience significant benefits to your business when you begin e-Invoicing. Some of the benefits include:
    Simple invoice status updates and better on time payment
    Full invoice status visibility  from receipt  through to approval and payment status
    You are more likely to be paid on time because of quick invoice delivery and shorter process cycle time.
    Increases invoice accuracy/Increased invoicing accuracy, gives instant feedback on required invoice information prior to submission
    Easy Setup
    No installation of hardware or software required.
    Supports both manual and highly-automated options allowing suppliers to submit invoices from within existing billing software.
    Promote your business, products and services to the fastest-growing network of connected companies. Get a modern web presence easily and efficiently.

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